Tuesday 31 May 2016

Olivia Newton-John

1948 : Born in England was raised in Melbourne, Australia
1960 : went to England and performed in clubs and on television.
1970 :made a splash in the United States with her third solo album
1974 :Grammy Award for record of the year.
1978 :he release of the film adaptation of the successful Broadway   musical Grease  an international star.
1950 : the film told the story of two teenagers in love from two different social worlds
1980 : Unable to replicate her earlier success with her next film, Xanadu
1981 : changed her image for her next album, Physical, more sexy
1986 : She had a daughter
1992 : diagnosed with breast cancer
1994 : recovered and went on to record Gaia 
1995 : experienced another kind of hardship
1998 : released Back with a Heart
2005 : tackled a subject very close to her heart Stronger than Before
2005 : suffered another hardship in June
2006 : spent much of the fall on tour to support her new album.
2008 :The bride and groom attended a private Incan spiritual ceremony on a            mountaintop at Cuzco, Peru

Thursday 26 May 2016

Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela

1918:  Born at Qunu
1952 : Opened the first Black Law firm in South Africa
1944: Helped found the ANC Youth League
1949:  Programme of Action was adopted by the ANC
1952:  Instrumental in pushing the ANC&  more direct action
1960:  Arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment in the notorious Robben Island prison.
1990:  They eventually led to Mandela’s release
1993 Nelson Mandela was awarded the Nobel Peace Prizejointly
1994:  inaugurated as the first democratically elected State President of South Africa 
1999: President until

Wednesday 18 May 2016

Fred Hollows

1929 -  was born in New Zealand

1960 -  got a job in Australia
 1965  - head of the Eye Department at a Sydney hospital
1970 - helped launch a national program to attack eye disease in Aboriginal Australians
1980 -  was travelling all over the world to help set up eye health programs in developing countrie
1989 - wouldn't live to see all his ideas happen became  cancer
1993 - died of  cancer. 

Robert Tudawali

        Complete a time line

1929 - Was born on Melville Island
1930 -  Went to Darwin with his parents
1941  -Became Royal Australia Air Force
1942 -  he was among group of Aborigines &  were moved Matarank
1948 - Married with Peggy
1952-  Chose  leading male role in Jedda
1955 - A full-length colour motion picture filmed in the Territory and in Sydney
1956 - National newspapers claimed that he was destitute and suffering from tuberculosis
1958 - Received further roles in an undistinguished film,
1963 - Welfare Branch banished him to Melville Island for nine months.
1966 - Elected as a vice-president of the Northern Territory Council for Aboriginal Rights
1967-  planned to travel south on a fund-raising and community education tour early.
1967- Involved in a drinking session at Bagot.
1967-  died of severe burns and tuberculosis on 26 July

Thursday 5 May 2016

                                              Three -year court wait


  • Shortage of judges in Parramatta 
  • Chief Judge was seriously considering closing Parramatta and Wollongong
  • Ms Judge said the government announced a $100 million package
  • Brandi need to do his job          



The families wait for three years due to shortage of judge in Parramatta also Chief  judge      was "seriously considering closing Parramatta and Wollongong registries due to the retirement of 2 judges. He said the government announced a $100 million package to deal with domestic violence. Brandis needs to do his job and fix problems in Parramatta because some families having to wait years.