Tuesday 31 May 2016

Olivia Newton-John

1948 : Born in England was raised in Melbourne, Australia
1960 : went to England and performed in clubs and on television.
1970 :made a splash in the United States with her third solo album
1974 :Grammy Award for record of the year.
1978 :he release of the film adaptation of the successful Broadway   musical Grease  an international star.
1950 : the film told the story of two teenagers in love from two different social worlds
1980 : Unable to replicate her earlier success with her next film, Xanadu
1981 : changed her image for her next album, Physical, more sexy
1986 : She had a daughter
1992 : diagnosed with breast cancer
1994 : recovered and went on to record Gaia 
1995 : experienced another kind of hardship
1998 : released Back with a Heart
2005 : tackled a subject very close to her heart Stronger than Before
2005 : suffered another hardship in June
2006 : spent much of the fall on tour to support her new album.
2008 :The bride and groom attended a private Incan spiritual ceremony on a            mountaintop at Cuzco, Peru

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